Our portfolio of professional language services:

Event Consultancy: We understand and speak your language.

What type of event do you need conference interpreters for?

Who, how, where? What is the goal of the event, what will get you there? Every multilingual event often raises many questions on the part of the organizers. Klemke Language Services and our team have been working in a wide variety of event settings for more than 20 years. Since the start of the coronavirus pandemic, this has naturally also included online-only events, hybrid events and traditional face-to-face events.

Simultaneous interpreting or consecutive interpreting Simultaneous interpreters are used at most of these events. However, there are also formats where consecutive interpreters are required. Whatever interpreting mode is required, we only contract professional conference interpreters who are part of our national and international network.

What are essential aspects of your event? There are also questions to clarify such as: Are there any special features, such as an open-air venue, disturbing sources of noise or a special duty of confidentiality? We plan from the ground up based on the objective, setup and type of event.

Hybrid events as an opportunity for greater reach We are also happy to advise you on various event setups and the possibilities and opportunities of hybridizing your event. If the pandemic has shown one thing, it is that the latest technical possibilities also give us the opportunity to interest and inspire target groups in the content of the event that organizers would not otherwise have reached.

What are essential aspects of your event? There are also questions to clarify such as: Are there any special features, such as an open-air venue, disturbing sources of noise or a special duty of confidentiality? We plan from the ground up based on the objective, setup and type of event.

View of the auditorium from a soundproof interpreting booth

Simultaneous interpreters work from soundproof booths at online, hybrid and face-to-face events, which enable both the conference interpreters to concentrate on their work and the audience, who want to follow the event in the original sound, to listen undisturbed in the original sound.

Receiver with headphones for (international) delegates

At multilingual events, as well as silent events, listeners can use this receiver/headphone combination to tune into the language channel of their choice and follow the event undisturbed.

Simultaneous interpreting booths in accordance with ISO 4043:2016 for mobile booths

ISO 4043:2016 specifies requirements for simultaneous interpreting booths for mobile use. The technical specifications were transferred to ISO 20109 in 2016. ISO 2603 defines the standards for permanently installed interpreting booths.

Here are some key features that such booths should have according to this standard:

  • Size and equipment Mehr erfahren
  • Soundproofing Mehr erfahren
  • Ventilation and air conditioning Mehr erfahren
  • Electrical installations Mehr erfahren
  • Access and mobility Mehr erfahren
  • Ergonomics Mehr erfahren

Conference interpreting: Understanding without loosing out.

To put listeners perfectly into another language via simultaneous interpreting, almost in real time, that’s what we love. We also offer interpreting of shorter or longer passages, i.e. consecutive interpreting, escort interpreting and, of course, liaison interpreting. None of this would be possible without the highest level of technical and linguistic understanding. In order to guarantee the best possible support, we collaborate with a solid professional network of specialists in various disciplines. All of them are experts in intercultural communication. For every type of event, be it seminars, workshops, supervisory board or executive board meetings, kick-offs for new products and services, sales conferences, press events, roadshows, conventions, trade fairs, inaugurations or company anniversaries. Since the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic, many of these events have been held as online or hybrid events with the help of tools such as Zoom, Webex or Microsoft Teams, where the conference interpreters are connected to the event from interpreting hubs or are sometimes on site together with the moderators and speakers, while the participants are connected online. Online interpreting, Zoom interpreting, etc. are now just as much a part of our service portfolio as traditional face-to-face formats.

Coordination: Think of everything – get everything done. We ask the right questions.

After 20 years in the industry, we have organized countless events or accompanied them ourselves as conference interpreters. What advantage does this have for you? We know our product. And ask the right questions. Based on your answers, we think ahead and take work off your shoulders. The effect? You can focus on the many other details that make up online, hybrid and in-person events. We take care of the interpreting.